Chakra Balancing Helps Decrease Anxiety

Embark On a Journey of Inner Harmony

Notice How Chakra Balancing Can Fulfill Positivity

Crystal Healing Bed with Chakra Balancing for guest at AGLOW

Chakra balancing is the skilled process of placing semi-precious stones and genuine crystals on and around your physical body for the purpose of energy healing.  It is a natural wellness method designed to help you control anxious feelings, strengthen positive emotions and many more benefits.

Imagine brilliant genuine crystals surrounding your body and bringing balance to your energy centers. As this natural wellness method reduces anxiety; it’s transformative experience guides you toward peace, positive emotions and more restful sleep.

Crystals help to adjust energetic imbalances, so you experience more focused positive energy.  Chakra balancing allows you to enhance your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.   

Learn more about the amazing benefits of Chakra balancing.

  • Reduce Anxiety
  • Gain Peace of Mind
  • Release Negative Feelings
  • Balance Your Energy
  • Heighten Positive Emotions
  • Get Better Sleep
  • Pain Relief

You will have the opportunity to be guided by an experienced Certified Crystal Specialist who has the knowledge and effective strategy of guiding  healing energy.  Then, notice amazing changes.  Your abilities to tune into your intuition become clearer.  Also, a remarkable increase in calming and creative energy.  These energic changes will in turn, heighten more positive emotions. You ability to feel happy, healthy and better will be obvious. Ultimately, you can achieve your highest and best state of being.  It’s simple.  Delight your senses to new and exciting perspective.

Every session is private and customized to better meet your specific needs.  You will be asked to state your intentions. This allows you to focus on what it is that you would like to gain and transform during your session.  You will always receive the attention required to take you healing session to the next level.

Next, unique crystals will be intuitively chosen to meet your specified desires.  Your session will be supportive and useful as you breakthrough to achieve ultimate results.  Our goal is go above and beyond expectations.  As you are enjoying the relaxed sounds, feelings, touch, and aromas, you may drift to deeper relaxation which amplifies the goodness of your entire experiences.  You will be free to dream and discover revealing results.

Chakra Balancing is a Holistic method, it enhances your spiritual, mental, physical and emotional well-being.

Contact us and get more facts now

The Chakra Balancing Service

Enhance your wellness.  Visit our calming Amethyst healing room.  Enjoy the comfort of a plush massage bed.  Feel free to close your eyes and prepare for an absolute joyous adventure.  Deeply relax as unique crystals are strategically placed over and around your body.  You are in for a truly sensational treat.