Free Gift Savings
Your Free Gift Savings To Enjoy
Receive a Complimentary $10 Gift Savings to be Applied Toward ANY SERVICE at Your First Visit to AGLOW! Choose Crystal Healing, Chakra Balancing, Infrared Sauna, Salt Therapy or Reiki
Thank you for choosing AGLOW Crystal Healing. First time guests may enjoy any service and receive $10 off of the list price.
To redeem your gift simply BOOK NOW. You will be taken to a scheduler. Choose your service, date, time. Write “FREE Gift” in the message area.
Come in for your reserved service and Enjoy!
Offer valid for one-time, one-purchase use only. Cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions. There is no cash value to the offer. Offer may be cancelled or modified at any time without notice. Contact for more information.